Autohaus Michel Weber

Bieberer Strasse 213
D-63071 Offenbach, Germany
Phone 0049 (0) 69-98 54 400

Our business hours:
Mon - Thu 7:30am - 5pm
Fri 7:30am - 5pm
Sat 10am - 2pm

The garage with the individual service.


You would like to stay mobile. We arrange a short garage stopover for your car without any difficulty. You will benefit from: service appointment, replacement vehicle, collect and bring service, 24h delivery service.

Ferrari Spezialgarage MG Rover Fachgarage MG Rover Fachgarage

Ferrari specialized garage
MG Rover professional garage

Ladies first: We collect your car and bring it back. Free of charge and with scheduled appointment. With us, you will feel comfortable and taken seriously.

Our professional motor vehicle garage is highly qualified. Two motor vehicle foremen are trained by the manufacturers (Ferrari, MG, Rover) and have an all together work experience of over 70 years.